It's an heavy optimization and customization of nuke standard nodes due to my experience working in different companies and it's designed to speed up the comp work just using the most common op and the best options availlable for the standard nodes. Since it's about just standard nuke nodes it can be installed in every kind of envirement and company without interfere whit pipelines and other stuff and customizations. Easy to install, I placed a little description for every line of code so you can easly understand what happen.

it's actually in beta testing for nuke v10 and successive versions..so please go to contact and ask for a demo

Due to an heavy crunch time on the last production I was unable to get back to everyone that contaced me, please be patient


DUCK_v1.0 for NUKE v8 or above

DUCK is a collection of gizmos designed to help nuke artists. I designed them when Nuke 7.0 just came out but they still working on all later versions.



In the Duck package you can find the following gizmo:

DUCK_v1.0 (simply copy and paste all the gizmo and icons in your .nuke folder)

a menu.py to put in your .nuke folder (if you don't have already a menu.py , otherwise open the file with a text editor and simply copy and paste directly at the end of your menu.py original file)

and a technical sheet with all the info you need to understand and correctly use DUCK

alpha_edge advaced Alpha Edge

green_killer blue_killer Green or Blue Killer for spill suppression

ID Object id keyer

luma_keyer advanced Luma Keyer

smart_blur Smart Blur

denoise Denoise

skin_cleaner Skin Cleaner

heat_vision Heat Vision simulation

night_vision Night Vision (infrared) simulation

download DUCK_v1.0

For any comments and suggestions feel free to contact me at


putting DUCK into the email subjects line